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How to register?

Registration on the site takes a couple of minutes:

  • In the upper right corner of the site, find the & laquo; input & raquo;
  • Enter your phone number with a prefix +7, get an SMS and enter a short number. Done!

If you don't have a phone nearby or you don't live in Kazakhstan, you can register by e-mail. Click the "Sign in by mail" button below. Enter your email, click "Continue", enter the six-digit code from the email. Authorization by email is only available on the website.

How to make an order?

You can find the necessary products in three methods:

  • – Enter the name in the search bar
  • – In navigation by sections (for example, Groceries —> Groceries —> Flour)
  • – In special collections on the main page.

Add your favorite products to the cart. There is no minimum and maximum order on the website — only the delivery price depends on the quantity of goods. To send an order, go to the "Shopping Cart" in the upper right part of the site and click the "Place an order" button.

How to pay?

You can pay in 2 ways, choose a convenient for yourself:

  • – online, Visa/MasterCard;
  • – Courier with a card (a courier will bring a POS-terminal and give you a check). Payment to a courier is not possible for express orders.
  • All orders can be paid with promocodes and bonuses, but not more than 95% of the amount of goods in your order.
  • If you have problems with payment, call us by calling +7 (727) 346 85 83 ,   +7 (705) 926 00 00   or write in   WhatsApp   or Mail [email protected]

When will the order be delivered?

Arbuz delivers products every day from 07.00 to 23.00. The delivery time depends on when the order is made. If express delivery is chosen, we will deliver your order in 60 minutes.

We deliver orders day to day within business hours, but we can also deliver on another scheduled day — just choose a different date during the order.

How much does delivery cost?

700 tenge, when ordering a total of less than 5,000 tenge. When ordering more than 5,000 - free.

Express delivery cost is 900 tenge.

Why has the order cost changed? Will they return money to me?

If there were weight goods in the order, it is not always possible to gain accurate mass to a gram, so the cost of the order may be slightly changed by a result.

If the amount turned out to be less, and you have already paid online, then the amount of debiting money on the card will change within 3 business days.

Attention! When adjusting the total amount from the bank, there are no warning. You will see a changed amount of write -off in an extract on the date of placing an order.

If the amount is larger, then you will need to pay the difference in cash to the courier during delivery.

In both cases, the operator will definitely warn you.

Important! How is the refund:

If you refused part of the order during delivery, then we will issue a refund within 3 days from the date of delivery. Usually money is returned in 2-3 days. In rare cases, a refund can take up to 14 days.

The goods are not available

Sometimes some product does not turn out to be   in our warehouse or supplier it may not bring the goods on time.   then our specialists will call you and offer a replacement for similar goods (with a different property or taste). If the alternative does not suit you, you can order this product later or refuse the order.

I changed my mind about making an order. What to do? How will the money return to me?

If you are logged in, all your products will remain in the basket until you decide to make an order. If you want to clean the basket or remove unnecessary products & mdash; You can do this in the basket in the upper right corner.

If you want to cancel the order, call us by calling +7 (727) 346 85 83 ,   +7 (771) 504 65 83   or write in WhatsApp or mail [email protected]   and we will cancel your order.

How money is returning when canceling the entire order

If you have done the cancellation of the order before delivery, by calling the call center, then we will instantly unlock the amount. Typically, the bank does not send notifications of unlocking, and in the Internet banking there is no separate operation. Payment will disappear from the history of operations and extracts.

If you refused the entire order during or during delivery, then we will issue a standard return within 3 days from the date of delivery. Further, depending on the bank, this amount will return to your card. Usually money is returned in 2-3 days. In rare cases, it can take up to 14 days. If you are configured by SMS or Push notifications, then you will receive a notification of the return of funds.

The courier is late

If we confirmed the exact time of the delivery of your order, then the courier will definitely arrive today. If he arrives later than the appointed time & mdash; The operator will contact you and warn about the delay. If we are late, but did not warn you, call us by calling +7 (727) 346 85 83 ,   +7 (771) 504 65 83   or write in   WhatsApp   or mail   [email protected] .

Arbuz Pharma - Medicines

Requirements for the sale of prescription drugs through arbuz.kz

We strictly adhere to the laws and regulations of the Republic of Kazakhstan when selling prescription medications. When ordering prescription medications, please ensure that you have a valid prescription in advance. After placing your order, our operator will contact you via WhatsApp or phone before delivery to confirm your prescription.

How can I know if there is a prescription medication in the basket?

If there is a prescription medicine in the cart, a "Prescription Required" label will appear next to it. In the product description, you will also see a warning: "This product is available only by prescription. A prescription will be requested before delivery." This notification helps you to prepare the prescription in advance.

Where can I find more information about a prescription medication?

You can find a detailed description of each prescription medication on our website and in the app. This information includes details about the medicine's pharmacology, potential side effects, possible contraindications, and other important features.

Can a courier deliver prescription medications?

Yes, we can. Before delivery, one of our operators will contact you via WhatsApp to ask for a photo of your prescription. After that, our courier will safely deliver your medications.

Required information

In accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, we will post the following information on our website and in our application:

A sign with the name of the pharmaceutical company, its organizational and legal form, and mode of operation, in Kazakh and Russian:
In Russian, it says, "Arbuz Pharma", "Arbuz Pharma" ТОО , operating mode: __:__ - __:__.
In Kazakh, it says "Arbuz Pharma" ЖШС (Zhumys uakyty) __:__ - __:.
 A copy of the pharmaceutical license and its attachments. Link to the state license
Information about the contact number and address of the local office of the  Government agency responsible for the circulation of medicines and medical devices.
Republican State Institution "Department of the Committee for Medical and Pharmaceutical Control of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan In Almaty"; 050004, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, 63 Abylai Khan Ave.; +7 (727) 273-48-51
Medicines and medical products are not subject to return and exchange, and are not released to children.
Over-the-counter sales of prescription drugs are prohibited.
A book of reviews and suggestions: +7 (705) 926 00 00, +7 (705) 926 00 01 or write to WhatsApp or email [email protected]
Information about the phone numbers of the pharmaceutical reference service: +7 (705) 926 00 00, +7 (705) 926 00 01 or write to WhatsApp or email [email protected]