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Water turan mineral non -carbonated 0.5 l

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turan & ndash; The real natural water of the protected edge is Borovoye. It is extracted from environmentally friendly deposits located on the territory of the state forest fund & quot; Bukpa & quot; and state national natural park & ​​quot; Kokshetau & quot;.

The deposits give the purest natural water, perfectly balanced in composition by nature itself. Turan water is natural and perfect, in full preservation of its natural value.

Water turan mineral non -carbonated 0.5 l

370 −20%
295 −24% for friends


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turan & ndash; The real natural water of the protected edge is Borovoye. It is extracted from environmentally friendly deposits located on the territory of the state forest fund & quot; Bukpa & quot; and state national natural park...

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Природная минеральная вода