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Heimatsmuhle flour for pizza 1 kg

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Discover the Heimatsmuhle type 00 wheat flour for pizza, perfect for making real pizza.
Fine wheat flour: Ideal for an airy and crispy pizza base. Versatility: Ideal not only for pizza, but also for pasta and other Italian delicacies. A practical package of 1 kg. Flour is enough for several pizza treats for one purchase.

Heimatsmuhle flour for pizza 1 kg

2 200
Imported goods Imported goods


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Discover the Heimatsmuhle type 00 wheat flour for pizza, perfect for making real pizza.
Fine wheat flour: Ideal for an airy and crispy pizza base. Versatility: Ideal not only for pizza, but also for pasta and other Italian delicacies. A...

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Пшеничная мука мелкого помола итальянского типа
nutritional value
nutrition In 100g
340 calories
9.8 proteins
1 fats
71 carbs
Storage conditions
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