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Buckwheat bread Arbuz Select 450 g
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Buckwheat bread is bread made with the addition of buckwheat flour, which gives it a unique taste and aroma. It has a dense, slightly moist texture and has a slight nutty taste. Buckwheat bread is rich in proteins, fiber, vitamins and minerals, due to the beneficial properties of buckwheat.Buckwheat bread Arbuz Select 450 g
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Buckwheat bread is bread made with the addition of buckwheat flour, which gives it a unique taste and aroma. It has a dense, slightly moist texture and has a slight nutty taste. Buckwheat bread is rich in proteins, fiber, vitamins and minerals, due...composition
nutritional value
nutrition In 100g
190 calories
5.5 proteins
2.5 fats
38.5 carbs
Storage conditions
3 дня, 25°С
Arbuz Select
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