Мука пшеничная высшего сорта, соль, вода, дрожжи
French baguette Arbuz Select 360 g
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We bake artisan bread using natural, high-quality ingredients, which not only gives the baking an amazing taste, but also provides 100% benefit of a healthy product. Delicious rustic Italian sourdough bread baked on a stone. It has a thin crispy crust with an airy porous crumb. Baked in a hearth oven on stones.French baguette Arbuz Select 360 g
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We bake artisan bread using natural, high-quality ingredients, which not only gives the baking an amazing taste, but also provides 100% benefit of a healthy product. Delicious rustic Italian sourdough bread baked on a stone. It has a thin crispy...composition
nutritional value
nutrition In 100g
260 calories
8 proteins
1.5 fats
53 carbs
Storage conditions
4 дня, от 0°С до +25°С
Arbuz Select
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