Пшеничная цельнозерновая мука, пшеничная мука высший сорт, гречневая мука, ржаная мука, закваска, вода, соль, мед, растительное масло
Buckwheat Bread Arbuz Select 300 g
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Fragrant bread with the addition of buckwheat flour, perfectly combined with various dishes from fresh vegetables to meat and fish delicacies. It will make an excellent base for sandwiches and snacks, and is also ideal for toast for breakfast.Buckwheat Bread Arbuz Select 300 g
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Fragrant bread with the addition of buckwheat flour, perfectly combined with various dishes from fresh vegetables to meat and fish delicacies. It will make an excellent base for sandwiches and snacks, and is also ideal for toast for breakfast.composition
nutritional value
nutrition In 100g
232 calories
10 proteins
11.4 fats
23 carbs
Storage conditions
3 дня, +20°С
Arbuz Select
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