Мука пшеничная высшего сорта, шоколад молочный, спред-растительно сливочный, сахар-песок, яйцо куриное, крахмал кукурузный, разрыхлитель, сода пищевая.
Arbuz Select cookies with milk chocolate 55 g
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Cookies with milk chocolate are a classic taste of chocolate cookies that will appeal to all lovers of sweets. The delicate milk chocolate melts on the tongue, and the soft dough creates the perfect combination of flavors.Arbuz Select cookies with milk chocolate 55 g
540 −10%
485 Description
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Cookies with milk chocolate are a classic taste of chocolate cookies that will appeal to all lovers of sweets. The delicate milk chocolate melts on the tongue, and the soft dough creates the perfect combination of flavors.composition
nutritional value
nutrition In 100g
470 calories
10 proteins
25 fats
52 carbs
Storage conditions
60 дней, от +13°С до +23°С
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