мука пшеничная высший сорт, масло растительное, домашнее фермерское молоко, вода, ванилин, сахар, соль, мёд, кунжут.
Simit The taste of bread 150 g
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Turkish pastries, perfectly suitable for any breakfast
Dough: wheat flour of the highest grade, vegetable oil, homemade farm milk, water, vanillin, sugar, salt, honey, sesame.
Simit The taste of bread 150 g
THIS TEXT WAS TRANSLATED AUTOMATICALLY. Later we will rewrite it manually. We are working hard to get to this item as soon as possible!
Turkish pastries, perfectly suitable for any breakfast
Dough: wheat flour of the highest grade, vegetable oil, homemade farm milk, water, vanillin, sugar, salt, honey, sesame.
nutritional value
nutrition In 100g
434 calories
0.9 proteins
17.1 fats
68.8 carbs
Storage conditions
3 дня, от 6° до 24°
The taste of bread
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