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We give you 3000 ₸ and free shipping on the first order!

Salami Citterio Pyramid bastoncini classic 80 g

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Composition: Pork, salt, dextrose, natural spices, antioxidant (sodium ascorbate), preservative

Salami Citterio Pyramid bastoncini classic 80 g

3 600
Imported goods Imported goods


THIS TEXT WAS TRANSLATED AUTOMATICALLY. Later we will rewrite it manually. We are working hard to get to this item as soon as possible!

Composition: Pork, salt, dextrose, natural spices, antioxidant (sodium ascorbate), preservative

Свинина, соль, декстроза, натуральные специи, антиоксидант (аскорбат натрия), консервант