Мука пшеничная 1 сорт, цельные зерна (дробленое зерно ржи мелкой фракции 40%, семя подсолнечника 15%) натуральная закваска, соль поваренная пищевая, солодовый экстракт, вода питьевая
Vitalnan bread Swedish whole -grain 300 g
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whole grain bread & nbsp; & mdash; A useful and hearty product that not only improves digestion, but also helps to improve the general mood and condition of the body. In addition, whole grain bread in moderate quantities does not harm the figure.
Composition: Wheat flour 1 variety, whole grains (crushed grain of rye of fine fraction 40%, sunflower seed 15%) natural leaf, salt, malt extract, drinking water.
Vitalnan bread Swedish whole -grain 300 g
THIS TEXT WAS TRANSLATED AUTOMATICALLY. Later we will rewrite it manually. We are working hard to get to this item as soon as possible!
whole grain bread & nbsp; & mdash; A useful and hearty product that not only improves digestion, but also helps to improve the general mood and condition of the body. In addition, whole grain bread in moderate quantities does not harm the...
10 дней, от +6°С до +25°С, и относительной влажности воздуха не более 75%