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Bread Bekker of non-free-free wheat-rzhana 340 g

4.7 (19 reviews)

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It is prepared on a natural sourdough born of flour and water, without the use of yeast synthesized by the industrial way, accelerating the & nbsp; the bakery process. & nbsp; a long process of fermentation of the startership during the week with its systematic update allows you to develop natural enzymes necessary for human health. & nbsp ;

This method of cooking allows us to bake bread with & nbsp; saturated & nbsp; taste, crispy brown crust and porous crumb. Service bread retains & nbsp; its taste throughout the expiration date.

Composition: & nbsp; wheat flour, water, complex food supplement (wheat flour, baking powder E575, E500II, E450i, Emulgator E482, pea fibers, anti -foliage agent E170, thoroughbred E466, flour of wheat malt, flour, flour of millet malt. Acidity regulator E341I, flavor, anti -oxiller E300, enzyme drugs), rye flour, & nbsp; margarine (deodorous oil, water, emulsifier E471, E475, E322, food salt, & nbsp; preservative & nbsp; E202, & nbsp; The fragrance & quot; & quot;, dye E100, E106B, & NBSP; hydrogenized and non-ithydrogenized & nbsp; oil, water), sugar, malt extract (barley malt, water).

Bread Bekker of non-free-free wheat-rzhana 340 g

4.7 (19 reviews)


THIS TEXT WAS TRANSLATED AUTOMATICALLY. Later we will rewrite it manually. We are working hard to get to this item as soon as possible!

It is prepared on a natural sourdough born of flour and water, without the use of yeast synthesized by the industrial way, accelerating the & nbsp; the bakery process. & nbsp; a long process of fermentation of the startership during the week with...

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мука пшеничная, вода, комплексная пищевая добавка (мука пшеничная, разрыхлитель E575, E500ii, E450i, эмульгатор Е482, гороховые волокна, агент антислеживающий Е170, загуститель Е466, мука пшеничная солодовая, регулятор кислотности Е341i, ароматизатор, антиокислитель Е300, ферментные препараты), мука ржаная, маргарин (дезодорирован.растительные масла, вода, эмульгатор Е471, Е475, Е322, соль пищевая, консервант Е202, регулятор кислотности Е330), ароматизатор масло, краситель Е100, Е106b, гидрогенизированное и негидрогенизированное масло, вода), сахар-песок, экстракт солодовый (ячменный солод, вода).

nutritional value
nutrition In 100g
221.7 calories
6.57 proteins
1.03 fats
46.56 carbs
Storage conditions

от +2 до +18°


19 reviews